Unit 2: ICT for Human Resource Planning
Place and organize computers and other digital resources within the classroom so as to support and reinforce learning activities and social interactions. (KD.5.a) & Manage student project-based learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. (KD.5.b).
Tutorial to look at ICT planning issues then practical to allow students to use Outlook to create teacher's class calendar.
Duration: Total of 3 notional hours – 1 hour tutorial and 2 hour computer practical.
Notes to Lecturer: Introduce participants to the idea that the effective integration of ICT into a learning environment (classroom and computer lab) requires careful thought and planning, particularly with regards to time and human resources, and that there are many ICT tools available to the teacher to assist with this process. So, what should be considered?
Tutors can use the introductory passage below to set the scene, but should research the topic ahead of the tutorial. In pairs, participants will be required to brainstorm ideas for effective use of ICT to help simplify the management of time and human resources in the implementation of ICT projects. As the tutor, you will be required to guide a group discussion and summarise the main points.