Unit 4: ICT as a Collaboration Tool
Student teachers use the network to support student collabortion within and beyond the classroom (KD. 4.f).
Students exposed to 4 (Crocodoc, Skype, Dropbox & Twidla) online collaboration tools in tutorial and pracical settings.
Duration:Total of 4 notional hours – 1 hour tutorial and 3 hours computer practical session.
Notes to Lecturer: The purpose of this tutorial is to provide an overview of the benefits of collaboration and some of the ICT collaboration tools that are available to teachers to facilitate collaboration. This tutorial should focus specifically on tools that can be used to help student collaboration within and beyond the classroom. The introductory passage below has been provided as a guide to set the scene and should be adapted as necessary.
The facilitator will need to make available two resources for the students to review. These can be made available in printed format or displayed on an overhead monitor.
These documents are:
- 21st Century Skills – Collaboration: (http://www.innovativeteachertoolkit.com/documents/skills/collaboration.pdf); and
- Collaboration Tools (http://www.aect.org/publications/whitepapers/2010/ELI3020.pdf).