Unit 1: Physical Learning Environment
Place and organize computers and other digital resources within the classroom so as to support and reinforce learning activities and social interactions. (KD.5.a) and manage student project-based learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. (KD.5.b).
Students discuss how a poorly physical designed learning environment might impact the quality of teaching and learning and design different environments to allow learners to collaborate in a variety of situations.
Duration: Total of 3 notional hours – 1 hour tutorial, 1 hour self-study (preferably at a computer), and 1 hour computer practical session.
Notes to Lecturer: Introduce in-service teachers to the topic of properly arranging and managing physical resources so as to produce flexible learning environments, allowing learners to work productively as individuals or in groups. Please note that learning environments refer to those of a classroom situation or lab setting. Tutors should research the topic independently ahead of the tutorial. In pairs, participants will be required to discuss how a poorly designed physical learning environment and a well-designed physical learning environment might have an impact on the quality of teaching and learning. Guide group discussions and summarise the main points. The following resources are background reading and support:
- Classroom Management: http://peoplelearn.homestead.com/BEduc/Chapter_9.pdf
- Creative Classroom Designs: http://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1053&context=creativeprojects
- Basic Premises of Classroom Design: The Teacher’s Perspective: http://www.earlychildhoodnews.com/earlychildhood/article_view.aspx?ArticleID=531.
- Classroom Management – Creating a Learning Environment: http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1834/Classroom-Management.html.
- Creating a Positive Classroom Environment: http://www.slideshare.net/kstashuk/creating-a-positive-classroom-environment