
Browsing is the term used to describe the action of finding sites by simply following hyperlinks. Text that is linked to other text (‘hyperlinks’) appears in a special colour and/or style and is often underlined.

Basic Internet Navigation (Ref: )

This button will take you back to whatever document you were previously viewing. Pressing it immediately takes you back one document. If you have browsed many pages, or are well into a multi-page document, pressing it repeatedly will continue to back you up one page at a time. Once you reach your starting location, it will be greyed out and unavailable.

This button will take you forward to the next document if you have previously browsed multiple documents and had then backed up to the page you are currently viewing. (If you have not backed up at all, the forward button will be greyed out.) Pressing it repeatedly will continue to move you forward one page at a time. You can move forward until you reach the last page that you had browsed, at which time the forward button will be greyed out.
Teachers should be able to describe the Internet and the World Wide Web, elaborate on their uses, describe how a browser works and use a URL to access a website. (TL.4.e)
30 minutes
Total 2 hours
Technology Literacy