Some websites contain a country
locator address, which shows which country the website originates from. There are several examples of abbreviations from specific countries:

.au – Australia
.fr – France
.nz – New Zealand

Interestingly, websites originating from the United States of America do not contain a country locator address.

Moving around the Internet

There are a number of different ways to move from website to website, and most people use a combination of methods. How you go about finding information will depend on how much you know about the information you are looking for!

TIP: If you know the URL of a webpage, you can simply type it into the Address window, press the Enter or Go button and your browser will take you to that page.

Teachers should be able to describe the Internet and the World Wide Web, elaborate on their uses, describe how a browser works and use a URL to access a website. (TL.4.e)
30 minutes
Total 2 hours
Technology Literacy