Understanding URLs

Each page of information on the WWW has a unique address, called a URL (‘Uniform Resource Locator’). The URL is displayed in the address window at the top of the screen.

Here is a simple address of a website: http://www.google.com

http:// All Internet addresses start with these letters. They stand for ‘hypertext transfer protocol’. www stands for ‘World Wide Web’ and generally follows the ‘http://’. google This part of the address will often describe the site content or owners. .com This part tells us about the type of website. This is a commercial site; other types include:

.gov – government
.edu – educational
.com – commercial
.org – organisation
.net – network services, often used by commercial sites that do not easily fit into the other categories.

Teachers should be able to describe the Internet and the World Wide Web, elaborate on their uses, describe how a browser works and use a URL to access a website. (TL.4.e)
30 minutes
Total 2 hours
Technology Literacy