Unit 3: Assessment Tools
Pre-service teachers evaluate and select ICT assessment resources (2.2).
Computer practical and self study focuses on online tools to help assessment: Survey Monkey, Quiz Star, Quandary etc. Followed by self study tutorials at ELJ
Duration: Total of 3 notional hours – 2 hour computer practical session and 1 hour self-study, preferably at a computer.
Notes to Facilitator: Ensure that the practical venue has good connectivity. Participants will need to register and login to the ICT assessment tool sites. For this they will need an e-mail address and will need to be able to access their mail during the practical to activate their accounts. If participants do not have an e-mail address, get them to sign up at Google Mail (http://mail.google.com) or one of the other free mail sites.
It is also advised that the facilitator is familiar with these ICT assessment tools (Quiz Star, Survey Monkey and Quandary) prior to the practical as he/she will need to facilitate the evaluation of them. Once the class has had an opportunity to evaluate these tools, get a number of student teachers to report to the whole group on their findings and elicit a discussion from the class as to when and where these tools could be deployed.