Course Navigation

Pre service teachers should be able to identify key characteristics of classroom practices and specify how these characteristics serve to implement policies. (TL.1.a)

Students navigate to and download a copy of the ICT4D Guyana National Strategy document. Review independently and then in tutorial groups brainstorm classroom practices that would support the documents directives. 

Duration: Total of 3 notional hours – 1 hour computer practical session, 1 hour self-study preferably at a computer, 1 hour group tutorial.

Participants will need to be provided with an opportunity to work in a computer laboratory setting in order to develop their Internet searching skills. The facilitator should guide the participants through the steps to open the web browser, access the specified document and save it. The facilitator should be on hand to support the participants as required but should also encourage the participants to interact with their peers when help is required. Ensure that the workstations have Adobe Acrobat Reader loaded (visit as the participants will need this browser plugin to access policy documents).

Students will require a copy of the National ICT Policy/Strategy Document for your particular country for the self-study activity. If your country does not have one or you are unable to get a copy students can make use of a National ICT Policy/Strategy Document from another country. Use one of these copies from Namibia or New Zealand.)

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
This Work, Unit 2: National ICT Policy and its Impact on Education, by admin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.