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Resources used in this unit

  1. Van Son, R. The question is not whether, but how ICT can be useful in education. Available online at:
  2. question-is-not-whether-but-how-ict-can-be-useful-in-education/ (CC: BY: NC: SA)
  3. Newhouse, Dr. C. Paul. Literature Review: The Impact of ICT on Learning and Teaching. Available online at:
    (All Rights Reserved).
  4. Poole, B. What every teacher should know about technology. Available online at: (All Rights Reserved).
    What are online productivity tools? Available online from WebTools4u2Use website at:
    (CC: BY: NC: SA)
  5. Microsoft. (n.d.). Microsoft Partners in Learning: ICT Skills for Teachers. Available online at
  6. Microsoft. (2011). Educator Learning Journeys: Technology Literacy Curriculum – Technology Literacy and Your Professional Development. Available online at Accessed 25/07/2011 (All Rights Reserved).
  7. Balanskat, Anja; Blamire, Roger; Kefala, Stella. (2006). The ICT Impact Report: A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe. Available online at Accessed 04/08/2011. (All Rights Reserved).
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
This Work, Unit 1: Teacher Productivity Strategies, by Commonwealth of Learning/Commonwealth Secretariat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.