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Newhouse, Dr. C. Paul. Literature Review: The Impact of ICT on Learning and Teaching. Available online at: http://www.det.wa.edu.au/education/cmis/eval/downloads/pd/
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Poole, B. What every teacher should know about technology. Available online at: http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech227.shtml (All Rights Reserved).
What are online productivity tools? Available online from WebTools4u2Use website at: http://webtools4u2use.wikispaces.com/Word+Processing+%26+
Productivity+Tools (CC: BY: NC: SA) - Microsoft. (n.d.). Microsoft Partners in Learning: ICT Skills for Teachers. Available online at http://schoolnet.org.za/PILP/scenarios/index.htm.
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Unit 1: Teacher Productivity Strategies
Resources used in this unit