Assignment 2 (30 minutes)

“What do you do when things go wrong in the lab? Do you plan for disruptions or problems in advance?”

From your experience reflect how you would respond, what alternate plans you would have, if the following occurred when going to the school’s computer lab.

  1. Power failure
  2. Timetable clash with another teacher and class
  3. Computers working but no Internet connectivity
  4. Some computers are working but not enough for the whole class
  5. The program you want to use is not installed on all the machines
  6. Students become distracted when looking at sites not related to your lesson
  7. Some students don’t have the skills to operate the computer
Teachers should be able to integrate the use of a computer laboratory into ongoing teaching activities. (TL.5.a)
60 minutes
Total 3.5 hours
Technology Literacy