So how can ICT support Didactic teaching activities in order to achieve these types of objectives?

Tools to Enhance Teacher Exposition

Research suggests that learning retention rates are low if we rely largely on our students’ ability to listen. A lecture mode of exposition, or talking to the students like I am doing now, is considered an inefficient way to get information across to students. Research suggests that the more senses we can engage the better the retention of a lesson’s content.

Research also suggests that the best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else! It is in light of these findings that ICT can offer a teacher a number of tools to enrich the lesson’s content or provide ways to make the transfer of knowledge more palatable to the students.

There are numerous technology/software combinations on hand when it comes to presenting or the distribution of information.

Total 5 hours
Technology Literacy
90 minutes
Teachers should be able to describe how didactic teaching and ICT can be used to support students’ acquisition of school subject matter knowledge. (TL.3.a)