Typical Activities in a Didactic Lesson
It is clear that the teacher’s role above is pivotal. The teacher needs to have designed the lesson and leads the students through Steps 1-3. The students engage with teacher-designed activities and complete any assessment tasks set by the teacher. Finally, the teacher leads a summing-up activity. We can divide these activities into 3 categories:

The Didactic Method Supports Specific Objective Types
If a Didactic method is to be used for a section of work, it must suit the objectives you have selected for that particular section of work. The Didactic method supports learning where the students are supposed to know the content and information, understand issues and concepts, and perform a skill. We could say the Didactic approach supports:

Total 5 hours
Technology Literacy
Teachers should be able to describe how didactic teaching and ICT can be used to support students’ acquisition of school subject matter knowledge. (TL.3.a)
90 minutes