Activity (Continued)

  1. Conduct an Internet web search and identify three different learning opportunities that Samuel might explore. In your word processor document, create a matrix and supply the advantages and disadvantages of each option you have identified. Remember to base this on the knowledge you have of Samuel’s situation
  2. Next, identify one option from the three options you selected as your final recommendation.  Identify in detail what is covered by this option in terms of costs, accreditation (if any), required knowledge level and access to ICT and capture this in your word document.
  3. Verifying the quality of the resource is a vital step in embarking on one’s professional development learning path. Review the following learning options and determine if the resource can be deemed credible. Justify each answer with an explanation.
Use of ICT to enhance teacher professional learning (ICT-CFT 6.2).
90 minutes
Total 3 hours
Technology Literacy