Different Purposes of Educational Software
There are numerous types of educational software packages, all of which serve different purposes. Software packages can be characterised into three broad categories: ‘developmental’, ‘instructional’ and ‘other’.

Basic skills development – basic numeracy and literacy development in the lower phases, e.g. Maths Blaster.
Creativity and organisational tools – content-free tools that enable the learners to organise and present data in creative ways without the purpose of actually developing cognitive skills.
Cognitive skills development – content-rich educational software that aims to develop thinking skills, especially higher order thinking skills such as problem solving, decision making, synthesis, analysis and evaluation.
Remedial and special needs – software specifically designed or specifically appropriate for use in circumstances of remediation and special needs.
60 minutes
Total 5 hours
Technology Literacy
Teachers operate various open-ended software packages appropriate to their subject matter area, such as visualisation, data analysis, role-play simulations and online references (KD.4.a).