Task 1:
Study Information Technology Curriculum Guide.
Working in tutorial groups (3-4 members), review the Information Technology Curriculum Guide that is relevant to your groups’ particular teaching level. In this activity we will use the Guyana guides but if you have access you can use the Computer Studies/Information Technology curriculum guides appropriate to your country and grade.

Note: You may be assigned a grade that is different from your level of study. It is important to complete this activity as it will help you to become familiar with the ICT curriculum guides and develop an understanding of the learning outcomes which can be applied to you specific level of specialism or integrated into other subject/learning areas.

Information Technology Curriculum Guide (Grade 7)
Information Technology Curriculum Guide (Grade 8)
Information Technology Curriculum Guide (Grade 9)

Study the learning outcomes of the relevant ‘Word Processing’ section of the curriculum guide.

Teachers should be able to explain the principles of using ICT in education, describe how these principles can be put into practice, analyse the issues that arise in implementing these principles and how the issues can be addressed (KD.1.a).
120 minutes
Total 3 hours
Technology Literacy