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Resources used in this unit

  1. The One Computer Classroom. Website available online at: (CC: BY SA).
  2. Lamb, Annette. (n.d.). One Computer Classroom: The Possibilities. Available online at (CC: BY SA).
  3. Lamb, Annette. (n.d.). One Computer Classroom: Across the Curriculum. Available online at: (CC: BY SA).
  4. Lamb, Annette. (n.d.). One Computer Classroom: The Issues. Available online at (CC: BY SA).
  5. Intel Teach to the Future. (n.d.). Classroom Management of ICT. Available online at
    (All Rights Reserved).
  6. ICT in the classroom. Available online at:
  7. Classroom Management & ICT. (n.d.).Available online at
    (All Rights Reserved).
  8. Microsoft. (2011). Educator Learning Journeys: Technology Literacy Curriculum – Organise and Manage the Use of Technology in your Classroom. Available online at Accessed 25/07/2011 (All Rights Reserved).
Creative Commons None (All Rights Reserved)
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Unit 2: Management of the Use of ICT in a Classroom Environment, by Commonwealth Secretariat are Reserved.