- The One Computer Classroom. Website available online at: http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic84.htm#1 (CC: BY SA).
- Lamb, Annette. (n.d.). One Computer Classroom: The Possibilities. Available online at http://eduscapes.com/tap/occ1.pdf (CC: BY SA).
- Lamb, Annette. (n.d.). One Computer Classroom: Across the Curriculum. Available online at: http://eduscapes.com/tap/occ3.pdf (CC: BY SA).
- Lamb, Annette. (n.d.). One Computer Classroom: The Issues. Available online at http://eduscapes.com/tap/occ2.pdf (CC: BY SA).
Intel Teach to the Future. (n.d.). Classroom Management of ICT. Available online at http://schoolnet.org.za/teach10/resources/dep/managing_ict/index.htm
(All Rights Reserved). - ICT in the classroom. Available online at: http://www.new2teaching.org.uk/about/about_ATL/contacts.asp
Classroom Management & ICT. (n.d.).Available online at http://www.ise.ee/kronoloogia/murphy/classroom_management.html
(All Rights Reserved). - Microsoft. (2011). Educator Learning Journeys: Technology Literacy Curriculum – Organise and Manage the Use of Technology in your Classroom. Available online at https://eljmicrosoft.intuition.com/Rubicon.aspx. Accessed 25/07/2011 (All Rights Reserved).
Unit 2: Management of the Use of ICT in a Classroom Environment
Resources used in this unit