Unit 1: Learning Activities for a Computer Laboratory Environment

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Resources used in this unit

  1. Computer Room/Lab Planning. Available online from KI Education at: http://www.kieducation.com/issues.aspx?ar=104 (Accessed 6/10/2011) (All Rights Reserved).
  2. The Four Best Computer Laboratory Layouts for Schools. Available online at : http://www.brighthub.com/computing/hardware/articles/52714.aspx (Accessed 6/10/2011) (All Rights Reserved).
  3. Computer Lab Setup. Available online at http://www.webjunction.org/training-delivery/-/articles/content/432941 (Accessed 6/10/2011) (All Rights Reserved).
  4. Culbertson, Diane. (n.d.). Computer Labs versus Classroom Integration of Computers. Available online at http://distributedresearch.net/ultrastudents/andyroberts/term2/
    actionresearch/Files/labvsclass.pdf (All Rights Reserved).
  5. van den Blink, Clare (2009). Uses of Labs and Learning Spaces. Available online at http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly/EDUCAUSEQuarterly
    MagazineVolum/UsesofLabsandLearningSpaces/163858 (CC: BY: NC: SA)
  6. Efaw, Hampton et al. Miracle or Menace: Teaching and Learning with Laptop Computers in the Classroom. Available online at: http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly/EDUCAUSEQuarterly
    MagazineVolum/MiracleorMenaceTeachingandLear/157299 (CC: BY: NC: SA)
  7. Bustillos, J. Ed Tech: Computer Labs versus Classroom Computers (2005). Available online at: http://joebustillos.com/2005/05/11/ed-tech-computer-labs-versus-classroom-computers/ (CC: BY: NC: SA)
  8. Microsoft. (2011). Educator Learning Journeys: Technology Literacy Curriculum – Organise and Manage the Use of Technology in your Classroom. Available online at https://eljmicrosoft.intuition.com/Rubicon.aspx. Accessed 25/07/2011 (All Rights Reserved).
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This Work, Unit 1: Learning Activities for a Computer Laboratory Environment, by Commonwealth of Learning/Commonwealth Secretariat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.