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Student teachers Operate various open-ended software packages appropriate to their subject matter area, such as visualization, data analysis, role-play simulations, and online references. (KD.4.a)

Learners use a package designed for their subject and evalauate how they might use it in designing a lesson.

Duration:Total of 5 notional hours – 1 hour self-study and 4 hour computer practical.

Notes to Lecturer: Participants will need access to a computer that is not only connected to the Internet but also to a printer with paper. participants will be given an opportunity to experiment with various types of educational software packages.

Participants will also be required to carry out searches on the WWW for software reviews as well as criteria for evaluating software packages. You should be on hand to support the participants as required but should also encourage the participants to interact with their peers when help is required.

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To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this Work, Unit 2: Subject-Specific Tools II, by Commonwealth of Learning/Commonwealth Secretariat are Reserved.