It is also essential to ensure that
students can collaborate safely online and are aware of dangers associated with online use.

Consider the technological infrastructure that is required. Is the Internet required? Would wireless facilities work better? Should the computers be networked?

Special Needs
It is important to take into account the special needs of any students with regard to accessing the ICT resources. For example, ensure students with limited physical mobility can access the required resources.

Have a Plan
Have a contingency plan for ICT resource failure, and plan for maintenance and sustainability. Consider any limitations imposed by school policies or by the school management. For example, is the computer lab locked after school hours?
60 minutes
Total 3 hours
Technology Literacy

1] Place & organise computers ... within the classroom so as to support ... learning activities. (KD.5.a)
2] Manage student project-based learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. (KD.5.b)