1. Navigate to http://school.demo.moodle.net
  2. Login using the Username: teacher and the Password: moodle. You have successfully logged in if you can see Jeffrey Sanders name in the top right hand corner.
  3. In the box entitled ‘My courses’ look for the course ‘The Lakes Poets’ and click to enter.
  4. The course looks at Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey. Each poet has their own topic box. Scroll down and experiment with the various multimedia.
  5. In the 4th topic box entitled ‘End of Unit Activities’ is the Summative Assessment Quiz. Click the text to enter.
  6. Click the start button to begin the test. When inside the test evaluate the different testing tools: Multiple Choice & Essay Question. Not shown but also available is True and False, One word answer, Mathematical answer questions, Matching pairs etc.
  7. As this approximates the way you use assessment currently reflect on the role that such a system might have within your school. Write a short page explaining pros and cons of such a digital system.
Teachers evaluate and select ICT assessment resources
60 minutes
Total 3 hours
Technology Literacy