Unit 2: PowerPoint for Pedagogues

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Pre-service teachers should be able to describe and demonstrate the purpose and basic features of presentation software and other digital resources. (TL.4.c)

Computer practical looks at basic PPT skills and then on different teaching strategies where the teacher can use the program to supoport their lessons.

Duration:Total of 4.5 notional hours – 2 hour computer practical session and 2.5 hour self-study, preferably at a computer.

Notes to Facilitator: Set up the venue so that Microsoft PowerPoint can be accessed from the computers. Ensure that the venue has good connectivity if you use the tutorial in Activity 1. Provide guidance and assistance so that participants can access both the program and the online tutorial. The purpose of this session is to introduce the student teachers to a presentation program and also seed some ideas about when it would support Didactic teaching.

If you are comfortable with PowerPoint, facilitate an orientation and teach some basic operations to the participants. If not, ask the participants to complete Task 1a and use the online tutorial below. If you have participants who are already familiar with PowerPoint, ask them to do Task 1b on Designing Effective Presentations. However, reserve time during the session to look at Activity 2, where a link is created between program skills and good teaching practice. 

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This Work, Unit 2: PowerPoint for Pedagogues, by Commonwealth of Learning/Commonwealth Secretariat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.