1. Give yourself permission to
    switch your PLN off every once in a while. While your computer is off, take a break and go for a walk or a bicycle ride, visit a neighbour, or tend your garden for a few minutes. It is also okay to ignore parts of your PLN when you need to.
  2. Scan! You may need to read only one in 10 of the blogs that come through, but that one will make you a better educator.
  3. Your aggregator can grow temporary limbs. If you are teaching a new unit, find sources that will help you prepare for it and subscribe to them. When you’ve learned what you need, sever the lines.
  4. Realise that your network is much larger than it seems. You are not just reading my blog, you are reading all of the blogs that I read and all of the blogs that those bloggers are reading.
  5. Invest some time, but don’t fret that it will take up all your time. According to David Jakes, it takes only 15 minutes a day to learn something new.
  6. You do not need to subscribe to dozens of educators’ blogs to learn how they are using VoiceThread. Instead, conduct a Google Blog Search for voicethread and subscribe to that search’s RSS feed.
  7. Some bloggers are very good connectors and filters. They read lots of information and then blog the gems. Look out for them.
Teachers use ICT to access outside experts and learning communities to support their activities and their own professional learning (KD.6.b).
60 minutes
Total 5 hours
Technology Literacy