Social Networks and Blogs
'A social network service is an online service, platform or site that focuses on building and reflecting social networks or social relations among people, e.g. who share interests and/or activities.'
(Ref: Wikipedia)

'A blog (a blend of the term web log) is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.'  (Ref: Wikipedia)

Through social networking sites and blogs, it is possible for you to consult with subject and education experts around the world. These communication tools help you to build a personal learning network (PLN). Examples of popular social networking sites include Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn.  It is even possible to communicate with your students via a blog.

Teachers should be able to use ICT to communicate and collaborate with students, peers, parents and the larger community in order to nurture student learning (KD.4.e).
60 minutes
Total 4 hours
Technology Literacy