Task 1
Commonwealth Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration Tutorial
Complete the following CCTI tutorial.

Elective Module 9 – Learning With Projects
Adapted from section on Collaboration

In project-based learning we can define "Collaboration" as meaning work between learners, teachers and others in the community, so that data, knowledge and ideas are shared among them, and they form a Learning Community working towards a common product. This is not the only definition of Collaborative learning. Some theorists see it in a far more complex way. If you are interested in this topic, go to the article by Ted Panitz entitled "A Definition of Collaborative vs. Cooperative Learning".

Collaborative projects can take place between classes in one school, or between classes in different schools. The use of technology in collaborative projects has made distance learners and teachers more accessible.

Teachers are able to design unit plans and classroom activities so that students engage in reasoning with, represent and solve complex real-world problems, as well as to reflect on and communicate solutions (KD.3.d).
180 min
Total 6 hours
Technology Literacy